Manual Testing Services

During manual testing, test cases are run by hand, without the aid of any automated tools. All test cases are manually executed by the tester from the viewpoint of the end-user. If the application does not perform as specified in the specification document, this test will fail. Nearly all of the software's test cases have been developed and implemented.

Manual testing is the process of verifying that software or an application is functioning correctly and meeting its intended requirements by conducting a series of tests, such as functional testing, user acceptance testing, regression testing, and exploratory testing.

Here are some manual testing services that a business can benefit from:

  • Functional testing: This is the most basic type of testing that checks if the software meets the functional requirements. Testers perform different test scenarios to ensure that the software is functioning as expected.
  • User acceptance testing (UAT): This type of testing is done to ensure that the software meets the requirements of the end-users. Testers simulate the usage of the software to test the interface, the functionality, and the user experience.
  • Regression testing: This is the process of testing the software to ensure that new changes or features do not impact the existing functionality. It is done to ensure that the system works the same way after changes are made.
  • Exploratory testing: This is an approach to testing where testers explore the software to find defects and unexpected behavior. Testers use their knowledge and experience to uncover issues that may have been overlooked in other types of testing.
  • Compatibility testing: This type of testing is done to ensure that the software is compatible with different operating systems, browsers, and hardware configurations.
  • Performance testing: This type of testing is done to test the performance of the software under different conditions, such as different loads or traffic volumes.
  • Security testing: This type of testing is done to test the security of the software, identify vulnerabilities, and ensure that sensitive information is protected.
  • Usability testing: This type of testing is done to test the user-friendliness of the software and ensure that it is easy to use and understand.

Businesses can benefit from manual testing services to ensure that their software is functioning correctly, meets their business requirements, and delivers a great user experience.

Our experts provide end-to-end manual functional testing services using matured test processes, in-house accelerators, and industry-leading functional testing tools. From creating an optimized test plan to post-production support, we handle all testing. Our user-centric testing approach improves engagement value continuously. We link business requirements to test cases for extensive test coverage. As a manual testing company, NetiApps provide regular reports with customized dashboards to track testing progress and defects.

We also provide the following services:

  • API Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • System Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Multiplatform Testing
  • Cross Browser Testing
  • Software Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • System Integration Testing
  • Compliance Testing
  • QA Testing
  • Functional Testing

White Box Testing

White box testing is a testing technique in which the tester has access to the internal workings of the system or application being tested. It is also known as structural testing, clear box testing, and transparent box testing. In white box testing, the tester has knowledge of the internal code, architecture, and design of the system or application.

The primary goal of white box testing is to ensure that the system is functioning as per its design and that all internal components are working together properly. The testing is done at the code level, and the tester uses various testing techniques to verify the system’s internal behavior.

Some of the common techniques used in white box testing include:

  • Unit testing: This testing technique is used to test individual modules of the application. The tester writes test cases for each unit and verifies that it is functioning correctly.
  • Integration testing: This testing technique is used to test the integration of different modules of the application. The tester verifies that the modules are working together correctly and that the data is flowing correctly between them.
  • Code coverage testing: This testing technique is used to verify that all the code statements are executed during the testing process.
  • Path testing: This testing technique is used to test all possible paths through the code to ensure that the system is functioning correctly.
  • Data flow testing: This testing technique is used to verify that the data is flowing correctly through the application.

White box testing can be time-consuming and requires technical expertise, but it is an important testing technique for ensuring the quality and reliability of the software. It can be used in combination with other testing techniques, such as black box testing, to provide a comprehensive testing strategy.

The following are the advantages of this testing:

  • Thoroughness
  • Time Efficient
  • Cost Efficient
  • Introspection
  • Better Evaluation
  • Optimization
  • Easy to Debug
  • Simple Code

Black Box Testing

Black box testing is a testing technique in which the tester does not have any knowledge of the internal workings of the system or application being tested. It is also known as functional testing, specification-based testing, and opaque-box testing. In black box testing, the tester only has access to the inputs and outputs of the system or application.

The primary goal of black box testing is to ensure that the system is functioning as per its specification and that it meets the requirements of the end users. The testing is done at the user level, and the tester uses various testing techniques to verify the system’s external behavior.

Some of the common techniques used in black box testing include:

  • Functional testing: This testing technique is used to test the system’s functional requirements. The tester verifies that the system is performing the tasks it is supposed to perform.
  • Regression testing: This testing technique is used to test the system after changes have been made to it to ensure that it is still functioning correctly.
  • User acceptance testing (UAT): This testing technique is used to test the system with end-users to verify that it meets their requirements and expectations.
  • Boundary value analysis: This testing technique is used to test the system with inputs that are on the boundary of valid and invalid to verify that it is handling these inputs correctly.
  • Equivalence partitioning: This testing technique is used to divide the inputs into different partitions and test each partition to ensure that the system is handling inputs correctly.

Black box testing is easier to perform than white box testing, as it does not require any technical expertise. It is an important testing technique for ensuring the quality and usability of the software from an end-user perspective. It can be used in combination with other testing techniques, such as white box testing, to provide a comprehensive testing strategy.

The term “black-box” refers to a testing approach in which the QA is unaware of the underlying code or application structure. As an end-user, the QA tests the software application’s functional and non-functional behavior by interacting with it. This helps to uncover some bugs that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Testing a system from beginning to end using black box testing is a powerful technique because it exercises the entire system. To see if a system delivers on its promises in the same way that users “don’t care” about the coding or architecture of the system, a tester can simulate user activity.

Grey Box Testing

Grey box testing is a testing technique that combines elements of both white box and black box testing. In grey box testing, the tester has partial knowledge of the internal workings of the system or application being tested. The tester has access to limited information, such as the database schema or the application’s internal workings, but not the entire source code.

The primary goal of grey box testing is to find defects and vulnerabilities that may be missed by black box testing while still providing a level of abstraction that allows for testing without full access to the source code.

Some of the common techniques used in grey box testing include:

  • Data-driven testing: This testing technique is used to test the system’s internal behavior by using different types of data inputs to test the system’s response.
  • Behavior-driven testing: This testing technique is used to test the system’s behavior under different conditions, such as when a user interacts with the system in different ways.
  • Error guessing: This testing technique is used to predict the types of errors that may occur in the system and test for them.
  • Model-based testing: This testing technique is used to model the system’s behavior and verify that it is functioning as per the model.

Grey box testing is a valuable technique for identifying defects and vulnerabilities in the system or application. It provides a balance between the detailed testing provided by white-box testing and the user-level testing provided by black-box testing. By combining different testing techniques, grey box testing can provide a comprehensive testing strategy that helps ensure the quality and reliability of the software.

Manual Software Testing Services

Manual software testing services involve the use of human testers to manually test software applications. These services can be provided by dedicated software testing companies, independent testers, or in-house testing teams.

The primary goal of manual software testing is to identify defects, errors, and usability issues in the software before it is released to end-users. This testing is done by human testers who follow predefined test cases, test plans, and scenarios to identify defects in the software.

Manual testing services include different types of testing, such as functional testing, usability testing, integration testing, regression testing, and acceptance testing. Some of the common manual testing services are:

  • Functional testing: This testing service is used to test the functional requirements of the software. The testers verify that the software is performing the tasks it is supposed to perform.
  • Usability testing: This testing service is used to test the software’s user interface and user experience. The testers verify that the software is easy to use and understand for end-users.
  • Integration testing: This testing service is used to test the integration of different modules of the software. The testers verify that the modules are working together correctly and that the data is flowing correctly between them.
  • Regression testing: This testing service is used to test the software after changes have been made to it to ensure that it is still functioning correctly.
  • Acceptance testing: This testing service is used to test the software with end-users to verify that it meets their requirements and expectations.

Manual software testing is a valuable service that helps ensure the quality and reliability of the software. It can be time-consuming and require significant expertise, but it is an essential part of the software development process. By identifying defects and issues before the software is released to end-users, manual testing can help save time and costs in the long run.

Manual QA Testing Services

Manual QA testing services are provided by software testing companies or in-house teams to test software applications and ensure that they meet the desired quality standards. These services use manual testing techniques to verify the application’s functionality, user interface, performance, security, and usability.

The primary goal of manual QA testing services is to identify defects and issues in the software application and ensure that it meets the end-users’ requirements and expectations. The testers use predefined test cases, test plans, and scenarios to test the software application’s various aspects, including functionality, user interface, performance, security, and usability.

Manual QA testing services are an essential part of the software development process, helping to ensure that software applications are of high quality and meet the end-users’ needs. Manual testing services are useful for identifying defects and issues that may be missed by automated testing and require human expertise to detect.

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NetiApps is a leading Software Development Company specialized in Software Development, Website Development, Mobile Development, UI/UX Design, Software Testing and QA. NetiApps also offers mobile and web apps for various industries such as travel, hospitality, education, healthcare, banking etc.

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